Good Mood Academy

Boost your mood: MINDFULNESS

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The pre-Christmas whirlwind can absorb everyone without exception. In addition to the daily rush, there are additional tasks and responsibilities - seemingly nice, but when we put them on our shoulders, they become unbearably heavy and tedious. We are chasing something elusive. A completed list of tasks, the feeling of a well-fulfilled duty, or maybe letting yourself the right to rest, which comes just after: "when if...", "just after...", "if only...", unintentionally missing the little moments of happiness hidden in everyday life.

At times like these, practicing mindfulness can be helpful. Mindfulness is full concentration on the present, without dwelling on the past or thinking about the future. It is noticing and observing thoughts, feelings, sensations and body signals at a given moment, objectively, without judgment. By stopping and focusing our attention on the present, we can achieve a kind of inner peace. Scientific research shows that this practice helps relieve tension, manage stress and achieve a state of relaxation. Full immersion in the moment can occur at any time, regardless of how prosaic and simple the activity we perform. Why not try it during the Christmas preparations? We assure you it's worth it!



Making dumplings, although it is not entirely obvious, can be a small lesson of mindfulness for each of us. Precisely measuring flour (surprisingly easy thanks to our measuring jugs!), subtly adding a pinch of salt, pouring some boiling water, possibly an egg or some butter and... kneading. Just three or four ingredients. Slooowly, thanks to the just work of our hands, a new creation is being made. It requires concentration, being here and now, a certain amount of discomfort, which is ultimately pleasant because it turns out in the end as springy perfect dough. With each touch you can feel something more - that it was flexible, warm and nice to the touch, smelling of grain and grandma's cooking...

And once you've completed this step, choose your favourite dumpling mould in a cosy colour. It will help you cut out perfect circles from the rolled out dough and so you may fill them with fillings that suit your mood. Well, what could be a greater comfort food than your favourite homemade dumplings?



And when your dumplings are ready and on your plate accompanied by your favorite garnish, don't forget to enjoy them mindfully! Don't let them disappear unnoticed, eaten in a hurry, on the run, in front of a smartphone screen or in front of the TV. Try to enjoy each bite slowly and unhurriedly. Feel the elasticity of the cooked dough and the taste of your favorite filling on your tongue. Try to focus on sensory experiences and capture as many textures, tastes and smells as possible. Stop and enjoy the sounds of home, the sight of a decorated Christmas tree, and the mixture of Christmas aromas flowing from the kitchen. Stay with yourself and your loved ones, consciously and calmly.

We hope that these simple exercises will bring you moments of respite, and maybe they will encourage you to further explore mindfulness techniques. The practice of mindfulness can be easily incorporated into any daily activity - from focusing on breathing, through walks full of observations, or everyday activities in the kitchen. CUCA-team wishes you succesful trials!

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